Red Cat Reading National Author's Day Kids Read Books JK Rowling Harry Potter

National Author’s Day

Red Cat Reading Team Reading

Looking for a day to celebrate all of the wonderful authors and the works that they provide to the world? November 1st is the day for you. November 1st has been recognized as National Author’s Day since 1949. However, the story of how the holiday came to be goes as far back as 1928 to a woman named Nellie Verne Burt McPherson. McPherson, who was head of a Women’s Club in Illinois at the time, thought of the idea while recovering in a hospital.

How National Author’s Day Came About

Being a big fan of Irving Bacheller, McPherson decided to send him a fan letter telling him how much she admired his story Eben Holden’s Last Day A’ Fishin. After receiving an autographed version of another one of his books in return, she decided that she wanted to repay him and all authors by making a national holiday for them. She then requested that November 1st be recognized as National Author’s Day which was confirmed by the United States Department of Commerce in 1949.

National Author’s Day is a day to celebrate all of the wonderful authors and the things that they do for us through the books we love to read. In recognition of all they do for us, there has to be ways that we can repay them…

So similar to the actions of Nellie Verne Burt McPherson, here are some ways that we can say thank you:

Read Author’s Books!

The number one way for us to repay the authors of our time is to read the works they supply for us. Writing is their gift to the world and reading their work is how we support them as fans. If you have a favorite author, get your hands on as many of their books as you can and read them.

Red Cat Reading National Author's Day Kids Read Books

Write a Fan Letter!

There are many ways of letting an author know that you enjoy his/her work. McPherson sent her favorite author a fan letter, which you can do too. Whether it is an actual letter like hers or a post that you make on social media or a blog of your own, let your favorite author know that you enjoy their work. I’m sure they would love to hear it.

Write Your Own Books!

Author’s love to inspire people to do what they love to do. If you read a book that you really enjoy and are inspired by it, grab a notepad and write some notes for the start of your own story. You might just find your calling…

Red Cat Reading National Author's Day Kids Read Books

How Do You Celebrate?

Books have the power to bring people together. Finding a book you love is such a wonderful feeling. National Author’s Day gives us a chance to celebrate all of the authors that bring the books we love into our lives. You can also celebrate with you children by using the Red Cat Reading online reading program to teach them how to read. Soon you will be finding your favorite children’s books and author and enjoying their books together.

No matter how you chose to celebrate National Author’s Day this year, do it with a book you love. And let us know how you celebrate in the comments below. We look forward to hearing from you!


By Kelly Gunderman