Red Cat Reading - celebrate Incredible Kid Day!

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day!

Red Cat Reading Team Blog, fun activities

Have you ever met an absolutely incredible kid? Have you ever met a young child who asks lots of questions or tries to figure out the world around them? Have you met a child who cares deeply about people and wants nothing more than to make you proud? Have you met a child who loves to play games, but also wonders how they can fix the problems they see in the world?

I have. In fact, I have met many children like this.

Once, I met a little girl whose friend’s father is dying of cancer and she wants to raise money for cancer research in his memory.

I’ve met a little boy who saw another boy crying over a lost toy, and generously gave the other boy one of his own.

I’ve met toddlers that just want to make their mamas happy so they give hugs and kisses at just the right time.

I’ve met children that are willing to help fold laundry and set the table while their daddy makes dinner.

I’ve also met several girls that have used their own fundraising money to purchase canned goods to be donated to their local food bank.

These children are absolutely incredible and they are all around us. It’s our job to notice them and let them know that we’re so proud of the joy they bring to the world.

Red Cat Reading - celebrate Incredible Kid Day!March 16th, 2017 is Absolutely Incredible Kid Day!

This tradition is always celebrated on the third Thursday of March each year. It’s a time for adults to recognize all of the great things that children bring into our lives. On this day, parents and teachers write letters to children to recognize how absolutely incredible they are. This sweet day was created by a company called Camp Fire, whose mission is to “light the fire within.” Camp Fire explains that writing a letter to a child is a “simple, meaningful way to let youth know they are appreciated.” For more information, you can visit their website and see how they’ve celebrated in years past.


Red Cat Reading - celebrate Incredible Kid Day!Three Ways to Celebrate

In my opinion, there are three great ways to celebrate Absolutely Incredible Kid Day.

  1. First, do exactly what the day suggests. Write a letter or send a card to the absolutely incredible kids in your life. A few kind words go a very long way. Don’t miss the opportunity to let your child know that they are deeply loved and you’re proud of the great things they do.
  2. Second, do something extra special. Take your child bowling or out to lunch. Go to the toy store and let them pick out something extra special. Do something that makes your child feel super special.
  3. Lastly, give your child your full, undivided attention. While our children will always want to have the coolest and newest toys or electronics, there are few things more important to them than your time. That is one thing they will not quickly forget.



How do you celebrate this day? Let us know in the comments!


By Gabrielle Fisher


P.S. Help Your Child Get Ahead in Class with RedCatReading!

What’s Red Cat Reading? It is a leveled learn-to-read program that gets your kids reading the fast, fun and easy way! They’ll go from letters to reading whole books! If you haven’t signed up yet… now’s the time.

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